Has anyone heard of "Proof of Intelligence" crypto-mining?
Miners, also known as neurons, peers, or nodes, are Subnet participants that respond to tasks using the Bittensor protocol. Their goal is to fulfill requests from validators to earn the most $TAO rewards within a Subnet.[1]
Anyone can become a miner by registering a Subnet key and choosing to run their own miner or using pre-existing miner modules from the subnet's codebase. The cost to register a key in $TAO changes and tends to rise when more miners are trying to register at the same time.[2]
To successfully mine in the highly competitive environment of each Subnet, miners must have an in-depth knowledge of the Subnet domain and a strong command of the Subnet's documentation because Once the immunity period ends, new registrants will replace the Miners who have the lowest performance.
Official Bittensor Developer Documentation:
[1] https://docs.bittensor.com/glossary#miners
[2] https://docs.bittensor.com/subnets/register-and-participate#running-a-subnet-miner